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How to Run a Faster 5K

A 5 kilometer (5km) distance is fun to run. You can do several each year. When the runner’s high kicks in, you can race with your mates for 5K without stressing too much. But to run faster you will have to run fast during training. You can better your personal record by following some…
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How to Run Faster and Longer

To run faster and longer, you need to clear out a few myths which revolve around the dire impression of utmost speed and agility.
Consistency is important!
The first and foremost thing to take care of is your health. Wear the right type of shoes and eat the right kind of food. The following are…
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Kinetic Revolution Review

If you want to learn how to become a better runner and injury free, read my Kinetic Revolution review to discover how you can transform your running so that it is more easier and become more efficient. Rehab specialist James Dunne and physiotherapist Brad Neal have developed a program that will…
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Athletic Quickness Speed Training Program Review

Athletic Quickness has been ranked the number 1 speed training program for athletes and we have review the program and give our point of view and what we think of this product.
We will break down it all and give our pros and cons so that you can make an informed decision. Unlike many other…
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The Best Fast Twitch Muscle Exercises To Improve Your Speed

If you are into sport, you probably already know that the secret lies in developing your muscle fibers. Muscle fibers are categorized into 3 – Type I, Type II and Type IIB. Type II and Type IIB comprise fast twitch muscles and they are the ones responsible for quick movements that are necessary i…
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Football Speed Drills and Training

If you are a football player who is currently training and getting in shape for the upcoming football season, we have a series of speed drills and training that you can do in order to improve your speed.’
Would it not be great if you can show up and training camp a lot faster than you used…
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Rocket Speed Training Helps You Run Faster

Rocket Speed Training Helps You Run Faster

RocketSpeedTraining is the number 1 resource to learn how to run faster and better your athletic quickness. The best way to dominate your sport and be one step ahead is by improving your athletic quickness.

If you play football, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, ice-hockey, lacrosse, or track and field sports, this will benefit you a lot and you will be able to be the best at your sport. The advantage about training for speed is that the training programs are easy to follow, it is just a matter of doing the correct workouts to increase your speed.

RocketSpeedTrainingAt we share these training with you as well as other training that we may research and test and share with you the benefits in our in depth reviews and piblications. We have various football speed drills for you along with video so that you can see how to do the actual exercises. We discuss the 2 types of muscle groups that are responsible for endurance and speed. Think of it like this. A sprinter will work on fast twitch muscles and long distance runners will work on their slow twitch muscles.

To run faster and jump higher, we focus on the fast twitch muscle group. By working on these, you will be able to get off the mark a lot faster than your opponent and also be able to add 2 to 3 inches in your jump height. And this goes with simple training drills that you can add to your current workout or adjust your workouts to incorporate in.

At the end of the day we focus on speed and in about 2 to 3 weeks you will notice a massive improvement on your speed and agility. You will notice the difference at the next game or track event. We have had so many followers write to us letting us know how great these training programs are and how it is helping them enjoying their sport much more because they have a major advantage.

We want to help you be a better athlete so go here for more information on how to be a dominant force in your sport. Take it from me. I am 41 years old and still playing competitive rugby and loving it.